
A Little Update

I posted a big update over on Solar Clipper Diary but for those who aren’t following along at home, I’ll recap here.

The news is “Bogged down.”

I’ve got too many things falling on me all at once and I’m trying to dig out of the avalanche of details in order to get some projects taken care of.

Ravenwood’s new cover proof came the other day and I need to make a change before I can release it.

Zypheria’s Call is still in audio production. I’ve not had the time to do that justice.

The Share books all have new covers and I need to finish the copy editing. Every time I think I have these ironed out, I get a new punch list of errors that need to be corrected.

There’s also some personal stuff that’s causing more distraction than it should. I’m trying to chip away at some of these and find a path through the details.

That’s about all for now. Sorry I don’t have better news but that’s where we stand.

By Nathan

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11 replies on “A Little Update”

Dear Nate
First and foremost Congratulations. Zypheria’s Call is as good as fiction gets. I can say that for two reasons; 1. I am 72 years old and have been a voracious reader since I was five. I read mostly in English and German but have read some Greek ( Iliad and some of Plato ) quite a bit of Italian, mostly work, I was a spook deadly dull. 2. It pass the real place test, in other words you believe the world of Tanyth exists and you worry about what she is doing. If you could tie Tanyth to South Coast the combination would rival JRR Tolkien’s Hobbit. However I detect a personal crises looming or already happening I wish I could help but some of these things are of a nature that all you want or need is for everybody to just but out. The best of luck.

Dana – Dr. Lowell is currently undergoing a problem with an infection. In addition, he may have another life-occurrence that is far more important to take up his time. (I do hope the other contingency has not happened yet, but …)

I hope you can focus on yourself and your health.
I personally appreciate all the hard work you have put into your works as well as the care and consideration you share with your fans. I hope you are well soon~~~Happy Holidays and a very Joyous New Year~~~

I’m sure there is a lot of stress doing “what you do”! I also have some stresses working on me and then I think of the little ditty “POOPIN’ IN THE STRAW” which always puts a smile on my face.

I am so terribly frustrated!!!!! I really want to buy the entire Tanyth Fairport book series, but cannot find any actual books – or even audio books for that matter. Do they really exist?

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