I just got a Paypal notice on a held order.
Yikes! Somebody wanted to buy a copy of Ravenwood at the beginning of September and I missed the Paypal notice (apparently).
I’m out of stock on the old covers so I couldn’t fill it anyway but I should have at LEAST told the reader.
Mea culpa.
That’s not something I ever want to be guilty of … and it looks like I need to not ever be guilty of it *again*.
If you ever order something from me and don’t get a response? Use the contact form and let me know. Please?
3 replies on “Dropped The Ball”
Such happens – no matter what you do. I’m glad you owned up to it, though – unlike a certain other person I shan’t start Yet Another Discussion on.
Procmail will gladly send that kind of stuff into a separate folder for you – and/or maybe forward it on to someone else? I doubt it’s that complex or time-consuming a job – it’s just that it’s a pain to handle *right* then. Perhaps you could hire a teenager cheap to handle it for you, or else set up a particular time each week (say, Saturday mornings) to handle that week’s load. Get it all set up, stacked up, and ready to take to the PO first thing Monday morning. This might give your Eldest a taste of the work that goes along *with* being a successful artist. (Or maybe one of the kids you’re teaching at the local high school writing club?)
Is Ravenwood on itunes or newfiction.com in the audiobooks library? Thanks, Sarah.
Ravenwood is on itunes and at podiobooks.com 🙂